# 2022双节快乐 # It is said that konjac is a good food for weight loss, low in calories, low in fat, high in fiber, and has a strong sense of satiety. And in addition to helping weight loss, konjac actually has the effects of lowering blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and blood lipids. It's so healthy! When I think of these effects of konjac, for healthy weight loss, I often buy konjac cool (originally called gluttonous konjac) from Yami. But my family told me that although it is made of konjac, there is also a lot of red oil. If you eat too much, you will still gain weight. So, this time around, I gave up Konjac Cool and bought this Yumi Shimizu Konjac Powder from Yami. This Yumei Shimizu konjac flour is a pack of 400 grams, vermicelli-like, easy to eat, boiled in boiling water for 3 minutes. It has no taste on its own, but it is delicious with spicy red oil~ So I still can't do without the fragrant and spicy red oil! This Yumi Shimizu Konjac Flour Yami is priced at $3.5, which is just right for a meal.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 都说魔芋是减肥好物,低热量、低脂肪、高纤维,而且还有很强的饱腹感。并且除了有助减肥,魔芋居然还有降血糖、降胆固醇、降血压和血脂的功效。简直太健康啦! 一想到魔芋这些功效,为了健康减肥,我就经常从亚米上购入的魔芋爽(最初叫馋魔芋)。但是家属跟我说,虽然它是魔芋做的,但是红油也不少呀,吃多了还是会胖吧😂 所以,最近这次,我就放弃了魔芋爽,改从亚米购入这款与美清水魔芋粉。这款与美清水魔芋粉一包400克,粉丝状,食用也方便,开水中煮3分钟即可。本身没有什么味道,但是搭配麻辣红油就很好吃~所以还是离不开又香又辣的红油! 这款与美清水魔芋粉亚米售价$3.5,一顿一包刚刚好。