# 2022双节快乐 # There are many kinds of instant food on Yami, and the taste of instant noodles are all kinds of choices. I used to eat braised beef noodles and seafood noodles. Recently, I wanted to change the taste, so I went into Jinmailang's hot and sour pork bone noodle soup. This Jinmailang Hot and Sour Pork Bone Noodle Soup continues a major advantage of Jinmailang. The amount of noodles is large and sufficient~ This hot and sour pork bone soup noodle has three ingredients, namely vegetable bag, soup bag and oil bag. And there are some tricks when making it. After the water is boiled, add the noodles and vegetable buns, cook for 3 minutes, then add the soup buns and oil buns and cook for another 1 minute. This hot and sour pork bone noodle soup is slightly sour and spicy, with moderate saltiness and rich soup. I like it very much~ This Jinmailang Hot and Sour Pork Bone Noodle Soup is priced at $4.99 at Yamibuy for five packs. The big noodle cake, the portion is large, even the noodles and soup, full of satiety👍
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# 2022双节快乐 # 亚米上的速食种类繁多,方便面的口味都是多种选择。之前经常吃的是红烧牛肉面和海鲜面,最近想换换新口味,所以入了今麦郎的酸辣猪骨汤面。 这款今麦郎酸辣猪骨汤面延续了今麦郎的一大优点,面饼量大而足~这款酸辣猪骨汤面有三个料包,分别为蔬菜包,汤包和油包。并且在制作时也有些小技巧,在水开后下入面饼和蔬菜包,煮3分钟后,入汤包和油包再煮1分钟即可。这款酸辣猪骨汤面微酸微辣,咸度适中,汤汁浓郁,我自己很喜欢~ 这款今麦郎酸辣猪骨汤面在亚米售价为$4.99,五包入。大面饼,分量足,连面带汤,饱足感十足👍