# 2022双节快乐 # I don’t know if it’s a geographical reason, but my family and I all call sesame oil sesame oil. When I first saw sesame oil, I thought it was pepper oil. After I bought it, I realized that sesame oil is sesame oil. Sesame oil is widely used, whether it is a dipping sauce when eating hot pot, or mixing noodles and vegetables, adding sesame oil immediately adds a lot of flavor! This Japanese Kadoya sesame oil is especially good. It has a strong sesame fragrance, and the oil is clear and transparent. The fragrance fills the house after opening the bottle. It is a good seasoning that my family repurchases from Yami for many years. The price of this Japanese Kadoya sesame oil in Yami is $5.99, 11oz. How long you can eat it depends on the individual. Take my family as an example, I can usually eat one bottle a month.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 不知道是不是地域原因,我和家属老家都是把芝麻油叫香油。开始看到麻油的时候,我一度以为是花椒油。后来买了才知道,麻油就是香油。 麻油用途广泛,不论是吃火锅时的蘸料,还是拌面拌菜,加入麻油后,立刻增香不少!这款日本Kadoya麻油尤其不错,芝麻香浓郁,油质清澈透明,开瓶后满屋飘香,是我家常年从亚米回购的调味好物。 这款日本Kadoya麻油在亚米的售价为$5.99,11oz,能吃多久就取决于个人啦,以我家为例,一般一个月就能吃掉一瓶。