# 2022双节快乐 #zhengkang soymilk tastes very good, and the packaging is convenient to carry, the only disadvantage is that the courier brother ordered too much in one go and won’t carry it upstairs, hahaha. Since the snail noodles tasted like crayfish, I have not eaten anything else. Usually, I eat them in two meals. I add some green vegetables, mushrooms, fish and shrimp. I didn't think the big bowl was cool enough, so I bought a basin the size of a washbasin specifically for eating snail noodles. I bought gluten flakes and tried them in, but I still feel that it is suitable for Hu spicy soup. It is the kind of thicker gluten flakes, which is more savory and suitable for accompany the sticky soup.
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# 2022双节快乐 #正康豆奶味道很正,而且包装方便携带,唯一缺点就是一口气订太多快递小哥不给往楼上抬,哈哈哈。螺蛳粉自从吃了小龙虾口味就不再吃别的了,一般我都是分两顿吃,自己加点青菜蘑菇鱼虾,一包的量还是很实惠的,男生吃螺蛳粉最夸张,吃面的大碗觉得不够爽,买了一个脸盆大的盆专门用来吃螺蛳粉。这买了面筋片也加进去试了试,但感觉还是适合胡辣汤,它是那种比较厚的面筋片,比较吸味儿,适合陪着黏糊的汤入口。