# 2022双节快乐 # The weather is so cold, it is best to have a bowl of hot and sour soup. This Yami is super convenient, put all the seasonings in, pour boiling water, and you can eat it in 5 minutes. As for the taste, I'm not from Henan, so I don't know if it's authentic or not, but I think it's delicious. It's just not sour enough, and a little more vinegar is enough. Once the bowl went down, all the body and limbs were warm.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 天气好冷,最适合来一碗酸酸辣辣的胡辣汤。 亚米这款超级方便,把所有调料放进去,倒入开水,5分钟后就可以吃啦。 味道嘛,我不是河南人,不知道正不正宗,反正我觉得挺好喝的。就是不够酸,还要再来点醋才够味。 一碗下去,身体四肢全部都暖和了。