# 2022双节快乐 # Master Kong is really an instant noodle that I grew up eating. In addition to the delicious braised beef noodles, Master Kong's house is delicious. 【Shrimp and Fish Pan Mee】I love it too. Compared with braised beef. This comparative clear soup is lighter. But the taste is still first-class. The same fresh fragrance. Refreshing. Noodles are also their mainstay. The noodles are very springy. They are also easy to cook. By the way. I also love their fish plate. Super delicious. It's fine with the shrimp inside. Then this one just needs to be boiled and soaked for 3-5 minutes and it is ready to eat. I added an extra poached egg today. That's it for lunch!
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# 2022双节快乐 # 康师傅真的是一款我从小吃到大的方便面了. 康师傅家除了红烧牛肉面好吃以外. 【鲜虾鱼板面】我也是超级爱. 和红烧牛肉对比.这款比较的清汤比较清淡一些. 但是口味还是一流的.一样的鲜香.清爽. 面条也是它们家的主打. 面条很Q弹.也很易煮熟. 对了.我还很喜欢它们的鱼板.超好吃. 对里面的小虾儿还好. 再然后这款只要滚水泡个3-5分就可以开吃了. 今天我额外加了一颗荷包蛋. 午餐就这样搞定了!