# 2022双节快乐 # There must be a place for ox tongue cake for the representative of salty small shortbread~ If you are tired of sweet shortbread, try this Daoxiang Village Beef Tongue Cake. The crispy skin of this beef tongue cake is really crispy, and the filling is moderately salty and a little sweet, but not too obvious. It goes well with tea and coffee. This Daoxiang Village Beef Tongue Cake was purchased from Yami, 360 grams per box. I am used to eating all kinds of small snacks that are individually packaged. This non-individually packaged beef tongue cake is a little inconvenient. After opening the bag, you should eat it as soon as possible, otherwise it will affect the taste.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 咸口小酥饼的代表肯定有牛舌饼的一席之地~ 要是吃腻了甜口小酥饼,不妨试试这款稻香村牛舌饼。这款牛舌酥的酥皮真是酥得掉渣,内馅的咸度适中,还稍微带了些甜,不过不太明显,配茶和咖啡都不错。 这款稻香村牛舌饼购于亚米,每盒360克。吃惯了独立包装的各类小零食,这款非独立包装的牛舌饼稍稍有些不太方便,开袋后要尽快吃完,不然会影响口感。