# 2022双节快乐 # A good companion for dumplings is balsamic vinegar! There are many brands of Zhenjiang balsamic vinegar on Yami, and I stocked up a few bottles according to the best evaluation, which is this Hengshun brand Zhenjiang balsamic vinegar. This Hengshun Zhenjiang balsamic vinegar is bright in color, soft in acidity, rich in vinegar aroma, pure in flavor, soft in taste, fragrant and slightly sweet. Serve with minced garlic and dip into dumplings or steamed buns, delicious! This Hengshun Zhenjiang Balsamic Vinegar is priced at $2.79 on Yamibuy for 550ml, which is a great deal!
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# 2022双节快乐 # 饺子好伴侣非香醋莫属!亚米上有好多品牌的镇江香醋,我就按评价最好的囤了几瓶,就是这款恒顺牌镇江香醋。 这款恒顺镇江香醋色泽清亮 ,酸味柔和、醋香浓郁、风味纯正、口感绵和、香而微甜。再配上蒜蓉,沾食饺子或包子,味道鲜美! 这款恒顺镇江香醋在亚米上售价$2.79,550ml,量大实惠!