# 2022双节快乐 # For fresh dishes, add oyster sauce~ Oyster sauce is definitely the most commonly used seasoning in my family besides soy sauce and vinegar. My favorite is this Haitian oyster sauce. This Haitian oyster sauce is 530 grams and is priced at $2.99 at Yamibuy. The quantity is large and affordable~ This oyster sauce is delicious, rich in oyster aroma, moderately viscous and salty. Whether it's mixed with cold dishes or stir-fried dishes, adding oyster sauce will make it fresher~ One thing to note is that because oyster sauce is very rich in protein and fat, it is easy to deteriorate after opening, so remember to store it in the refrigerator after opening~
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# 2022双节快乐 # 要想菜肴鲜,蚝油添一添~ 蚝油绝对是我家除酱油和醋之外,最为常用的调味料了。我最爱用的是这款海天蚝油。这款海天蚝油为530克装,在亚米售价为$2.99,量大实惠~这款蚝油味道鲜美、蚝香浓郁,黏稠适度,咸度适宜。不论是拌凉菜还是炒菜,加入蚝油后就提鲜不少~ 有一点需要注意的是,因为蚝油中含有非常丰富的蛋白质和脂肪,因此蚝油打开后容易变质,所以应该开封后记得放在冰箱内保存~