# 2022双节快乐 # I have purchased the cucumber-flavored sparkling water of Yuanqi Forest from Yamibuy before, and it tastes very sweet~ Recently, taking advantage of the Yami discount, I have purchased other flavors, namely white peach, Kaman orange, white strawberry and coconut, and lychee. It's like trying a variety of flavors at once The sparkling water of Yuanqi Forest is advertised as a sugar-free, fat-free, calorie-free healthy drink, but there are already many sugar-free drinks (like Diet Coke) on the market. However, after trying it, I found out that the taste of Yuanqi Forest Sparkling Water is much better than that of Diet Coke, and it does not have the astringent taste of ordinary sugar substitutes. Genki Forest's natural, smooth and refreshing taste is really hard to love. Of the 4 flavors I tried this time, each of them is good~ My personal favorite is the lychee flavor, probably because I love to eat lychee, and when I drink the lychee-flavored sparkling water, I think of the one I drank when I was a child called kiss Lychee carbonated drinks ~ bring back childhood memories
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# 2022双节快乐 # 之前从亚米上购入过元气森林的青瓜味气泡水,喝起来丝丝清甜~ 最近趁着亚米折扣,又购入了其他口味,分别为白桃味、卡曼橘味、白草莓与椰子味,和荔枝味。算是一次尝试多种口味啦~ 元气森林的气泡水标榜着是无糖、无脂肪、无卡路里的健康饮品,然鹅市面上的无糖饮品(像健怡可乐)已经有很多了。但是,尝过之后才发现,元气森林气泡水的口感上要比健怡可乐好太多,完全没有普通代糖的那种涩涩的口感。元气森林的自然顺滑的清爽口感真的是让人不得不爱。 这次尝试的4种口味中,每种都不错~个人最喜欢的要数荔枝口味啦,可能是因为本来就爱吃荔枝,而且喝到荔枝味气泡水竟然想起小时候喝的一款叫亲亲荔枝的碳酸饮料~勾起童年的回忆啦