# 2022双节快乐 # the weather is getting warmer My breakfast starts with a combination of cereal + yogurt This Nissin Matcha Cereal is the first time I see it Not matcha tea but would love to try it The cereal contains wheat and oats with Uji matcha powder Sweet and sour apple granules, strawberry granules and whole freeze-dried red beans In addition to providing dietary fiber, there are multiple delicious tastes I was going to eat it with yogurt, fresh strawberries and blueberries But because of the crispy, rich Japanese matcha flavor In the end, I decided to eat it as a snack. 9 grams of sugar per 3/4 cup of cereal normal amount of sugar in cereal Add slightly sour apple granules, strawberry granules Lower overall sweetness The fresh taste of matcha is more obvious Perfect for warmer days Matcha lovers stock up
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# 2022双节快乐 # 天气渐热 我家的早餐又开始了麦片+酸奶的组合 这款日清抹茶麦片是第一次看到 虽不是抹茶控 但很想尝试一下 麦片里含有沾满宇治抹茶粉的小麦和燕麦 酸酸甜甜的苹果粒、草莓粒 和一颗颗完整的冻干红豆 在提供膳食纤维之余还有多重美味口感 本来打算拌着酸奶和鲜草莓、蓝莓一起吃的 但因为香香脆脆、浓郁的和风抹茶味 最后决定还是当零食般直接吃了 每3/4杯麦片含糖9克 是一般麦片的正常糖量 加上微酸的苹果粒、 草莓粒 整体甜度更加降低 抹茶的清新味道更明显 非常适合渐暖的日子喔 抹茶控们囤起来吧