# 2022双节快乐 # You must have this bamboo shoot. I usually forget to put it in stews, stir-fries, hot pot, and instant noodles. I have used it as MSG. The bamboo shoots are really super crisp and tender, and they have been processed. When I usually cook rice, I take it out and use it directly after running it with cold water. Super suitable for lazy people to cook. And it is stewed together in the braised pork, and it will not rot for a long time. I don't think it's much different from fresh bamboo shoots. I'm going to call hard for him. Since then, bamboo shoots have been eaten all year round.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 这款笋片你一定要拥有。平时炖汤,炒菜,火锅,速食面都忘记放,味道那是杠杠的。我已经把它当做味精来用了。 笋片吃口真的超级脆嫩,而且都已经处理好了。我平时煮饭的时候,拿出来,过一遍凉水就直接使用了。超级适合懒人煮饭。而且放在红烧肉里一起炖,也久煮不烂。我觉得和新鲜的竹笋相比差不了多少。 我要为他用力打电话。从此一年四季都有笋吃。