# 2022双节快乐 # 💖The latest new favorite is this beef-flavored orchid bean from Laiyifen~ First of all, I love the many nuts and dried fruit snacks that come to Yifen~ The selection of materials is very good, traditional craftsmanship Taste the taste of traditional snacks This orchid bean is really full of grains The choice is large-grain broad beans Deep-fried with the bean skin preserved The beans are crispy and fragrant, and the bean skin is crispy and delicious. beef taste Exquisitely selected spice mix Make every bite full of flavor I don't know if it's beef, but I can really taste the freshness of the broth. Independent small packaging Easy to carry and use Great value for money for less than $4 A good choice for daily grinding and chasing dramas
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# 2022双节快乐 # 💖最近的新宠就是这款来自来伊份的牛肉味兰花豆~ 首先来伊份的好多坚果果干类零食我都挺爱的~ 选料都很不错 传统工艺制作 吃的出传统小零食的味道 这款兰花豆 真的是粒粒饱满 选用的都是大粒蚕豆 保留豆皮的情况下 经过炸制 豆粒酥香鲜爽 豆皮脆爽 别有一番滋味 牛肉口味 精致选取的香料配比 让你每一口都鲜香充满滋味 是不是牛肉不知道 但真的吃的到肉汤的鲜 独立小包装 携带、使用都很方便 一大包$4不到 性价比超级高 日常磨牙追剧的好选择哟