# 2022双节快乐 # Since I bought the health pot, the frequency of drinking water has greatly increased And more and more like to make all kinds of tea! The health tea bag area at home is always full Recently purchased this health tea from Yami 🍵 Taiwan Ahua Shi's Red Bean and Purple Rice Barley Water Ahua Shi's weight is really super big A huge bucket with 30 tea bags in it Each tea bag has a full 15g, and it feels very solid when you pick it up My 800mL health pot will cook 5-6 times a day The same tea bag still tastes good from morning till night Finally, the red bean, purple rice and barley swelled to fill the whole tea bag Totally worthy of its price, very good value for money Wellness lovers, hurry up!
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# 2022双节快乐 # 自从买了养生壶之后 喝水的频率大大上升 而且越来越喜欢泡各种茶喝! 家里的养生茶包区永远是满满当当 最近从亚米新购入这款养生茶🍵 台湾阿华师的红豆紫米薏仁水 阿华师这款分量真的超级足 巨大一桶 里面有30个茶包 每个茶包就有足足15g 拎起来就觉得很实在 我800mL的养生壶差不多一天会煮5-6次 同一个茶包从早煮到晚还依然有味道 最后红豆紫米薏仁膨胀到塞满整个茶包 完全对得起它的价格 性价比很不错了 各位养生爱好者快冲吧!