# 2022双节快乐 # Chen Yunbaoquan's dim sum is really delicious! This time I tried a new flower picking cake~ Really amazing taste 💖The first is the outer skin Crispy as always Take a sip and feel the layered taste of the puff pastry crispy and soft followed by a dense layer of bean paste Compared with egg yolk crisp, bean paste is less But you can still taste the taste and sweetness of bean paste 💖The next step is the magic secret of the flower cake Almond-flavored mochi layers Just the right amount, sticky and sticky 💖The light almond flavor lasts for a long time After eating the whole snack, you will still leave this fragrant almond flavor in your mouth 🌟 Personally, I feel that this almond is the kind of small southern almond Not the big oily American almonds in the supermarket So the scent is lighter and more unique The core is salted egg yolk If you don't heat it, you won't be able to taste the effect of running oil. Personally think that Chen Yunbaoquan's biggest shortcoming of all dim sum The salted egg yolk is super small‼ ️ At most half a piece Maybe it's to balance out the flavors (all excuses) But it's really not enough to eat I love salted egg yolk, please increase the amount of salted egg yolk‼ ️ The summary is Huacai cake is a kind of egg yolk cake with a special taste I still like it If the egg yolks were doubled, this would be my favorite Chen Yun Bao Quan dim sum
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# 2022双节快乐 # 陈允宝泉的点心真的都好吃! 这次又尝试了新的花采饼~ 真的好神奇的味道~ 💖首先是外皮 一如既往的香酥 一口下去 感受得到千层酥皮的层层口感 又酥又软 接着是一层绵密的豆沙 跟蛋黄酥比起来 豆沙要少一些 但还是能吃得出豆沙的口感与香甜 💖再接下来就是花采饼神奇的秘密 杏仁味的麻薯层 恰到好处的份量 黏黏糯糯的 💖淡淡的杏仁味道 久久不散 整个点心吃完 嘴里还是会留下这股清香的杏仁味 🌟个人感觉这个杏仁是那种小小的南杏仁 不是超市里大颗油香的美国杏仁 所以香味更清淡独特 最核心是咸蛋黄 不加热的话 是吃不出流油的效果的 个人认为陈允宝泉所有点心最大的缺点 就是咸蛋黄超小‼️ 顶多算半颗 也许是为了平衡各种味道而做出这样的配比(都是借口) 但真心吃的不够爽 我爱咸蛋黄 请加大咸蛋黄的量啊‼️ 总结就是 花采饼算是味道特别的一款蛋黄酥 个人还是很喜欢的 如果蛋黄量翻倍 这将是我最喜欢的陈允宝泉点心