# 2022双节快乐 # What are you doing at home 🉑️? Watching TV, playing games, sleeping? And, of course, snacks! The Dimoo Home Collection is a lovely and authentic way to show the state of being at home Lazy casual and cute decadent This time I got a snack carnival Dimoo in popcorn buckets like being immersed in it Two different packages of potato chips on the shelf There's also a trash can with used tissues on the side However, this house series is relatively small and has many accessories. Put a social university series next to it for comparison Although the whole set is small, the workmanship is very fine Clear and bright color lines Worth it 👍
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yami_featured_image # 2022双节快乐 # 宅在家🉑️做什么? 看电视、玩游戏、睡觉? 还有当然要吃零食咯! Dimoo宅宅系列可爱又真实地展现宅在家的状态 慵懒随意又可爱颓废 这次抽到的是零食狂欢 Dimoo装在了爆谷桶里 像沉浸其中不可自拔 架子上放着两包不同的薯片 边上还有装着用过的纸巾的垃圾桶 不过这套宅宅系列比较小 配件也多 放个社会大学系列的在旁边做个比较 整套手办虽然小但做工非常精细 色泽线条清晰明亮 值得收👍