# 2022双节快乐 # Contains three organic plant-derived oils, natural flavors, honey, raspberry extract and glycerin for moisturizing The sweet and fruity scent is a little heavier But in the cold winter This strong sweet and fruity aroma is acceptable This is my first time using Kose hand cream It feels really moisturizing The paste is fine and thick Peanut grains are big enough to coat your entire hands sticky After 2 hours, hands are not dry at all and still very smooth $4 less than a full 70 grams No need to reapply Great value for money👍 Immediately put the other three fragrances in the bag
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# 2022双节快乐 # 含有三种有机植物提取油、天然香料、蜂蜜、覆盆子提取物和用来保湿的甘油 甜甜的果香味稍稍偏重了一些 但在气温偏低的冬季里 这种浓浓的甜果香味还是可接受 这是第一次用高丝护手霜 感觉真的很滋润 膏体细腻浓稠 花生粒大小就足以把整双手涂得粘乎乎的 2小时后 手完全没有干燥感 依然非常柔滑 $4 不到有整整70克 还不用一直补涂 性价比超高👍 立马把另外三款香味都收入囊中