# 2022双节快乐 #Dried sweet potato as a snack is still very novel to me. I saw that many babies recommend it in the sunbathing circle, so I want to say it is good to try it. In my impression, dried fruit will be relatively hard, but this dried sweet potato is actually very soft and glutinous, it is not toothless at all, and it is very sweet and delicious. After reading the package instructions, the dried sweet potatoes of Yimeng Commune are made of yellow-hearted sweet potatoes in the mountains and forests. steps made. Each serving is individually vacuum-packed for good preservation. This attempt has entered the pit of a small snack again. I can't go into the pit by myself. Let the babies all come and try it!
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# 2022双节快乐 #地瓜干作为小零食对我来说还是很新奇的,看到晒晒圈不少宝宝推荐就想说试一下好了。 印象中果干都会比较硬,但这个地瓜干居然特别软糯,一点都不费牙,而且甜蜜蜜的特别好吃。看了一下包装说明,沂蒙公社的地瓜干采用的是山林地里的黄心地瓜,经过高温蒸煮和阳光自然晾晒,再次经过高温蒸煮后用慢火烤干,之后再用烤箱烘烤,经过多个步骤制成的。每一份都是真空独立包装的,保鲜效果好。 这一试又入了一种小零食的坑,不能我自己一个人入坑,宝宝们也都来尝尝吧!