# 2022双节快乐 #I have never been to Hubei, but I have only seen hot and dry noodles in food documentaries. Qijie Hot Dry Noodles has a high rating on Yami, and the price is also very affordable, so I bought it and tried it. The noodles are slender and long, barely broken, and the seasonings are soy sauce packets, sesame sauce packets and oily spicy seeds. It's very easy to make, just cook the noodles and take them out, put all the seasonings on it and mix well. After mixing, the sesame sauce tastes super fragrant, the sauce is evenly wrapped on each noodle, and the oil is spicy and particularly appetizing, and it dries up in three or two times. Frying an egg with a handful of chopped green onion is simple and delicious. I also experienced the prematureness of the Wuhan population at home. It should be the favorite Yami fast food I have eaten recently, and I am ready to stock up.
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# 2022双节快乐 #没有去过湖北,只在美食纪录片里见过热干面,馋的不要不要的。七姐热干面在亚米上面评分很高,价格也很亲民所以买来尝尝。 面条细细长长的,几乎没有断裂,调料有酱油包,麻酱包和油泼辣子。制作起来特别简便,把面煮好捞出来,所有调料放上去拌匀就好了。拌好以后麻酱的味道超级香,酱料均匀的裹在每一根面条上,油泼辣子又特别开胃,三两下就干光了。煎个鸡蛋撒一把葱花,简单而不失美味,我也在家体验了一回武汉人口中的过早。 应该是近期吃过最喜欢的亚米速食了,准备囤货一波。