# 2022双节快乐 ## 食族人 # 食族人 supper prepared cup of sour powder, were box 130G, a lot of material to open the package, the package comprising a sauce, seasoning powder packets, packet vinegar, bun, noodles, bean curd, peanut bag, telescopically Eight kinds of forks, use a health pot to heat the water to start making: 1. Put the noodles and condiments into a bowl; 2. Pour into boiling water and cover for 4-5 minutes; 3. Stir and eat. The method is simple and clear. After opening the lid, the spicy smell is fragrant. Pick up the sweet potato powder with a fork.
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# 2022双节快乐 ## 食族人 #夜宵准备泡杯食族人酸辣粉,共130G一盒,打开包装有料不少,包括酱包、调料粉包、醋包、菜包、粉丝、豆皮、花生包、可伸缩叉子八种,用养生壶把水热好开始制作: 1、将面饼及调味品放入碗中;2、冲入沸水加盖放置4-5分钟;3、搅拌后即可食用。 做法简单明了,开盖后香辣气味扑鼻,用叉子挑起红薯粉,晶莹剔透、细腻顺滑,尝了口鲜美酸爽、纯香四溢,有浓郁的豆香,汤汁略带麻辣。