# 2022双节快乐 # Snacks that I bought together in those years Unexpectedly delicious. Not to mention the 1-2 pocky series, each one is delicious. Close your eyes and enter the series, the first choice when you encounter discounts and specials. 3 The mochi is pretty good, and the matcha flavor is not too sweet. It is packaged separately and is easy to carry. 4 Shanghaojia shrimp strips, non-fried, healthier. Taste traditional shrimp stick flavor. 5 Snow Kiss Chocolate, sugar-free and very healthy. It's not sweet, when you're in a bad mood, come with one, no burden.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 那些年凑单买的零食 出乎意料的好吃。 1-2 pocky系列就不说了,每一款都好吃。闭眼入系列,碰到打折特价凑单首选。 3 麻薯挺不错的,抹茶味也不是很甜,独立包装,方便携带。 4 上好佳虾条,非油炸,比较健康。味道传统虾条味。 5 雪吻巧克力,无糖的,很健康。不甜,心情不好的时候,来一颗,无负担。