# 2022双节快乐 # MARUTAI Saga Salted Seaweed Beef Bone Ramen 2 servings 185g One pack for two people feels a bit small Eating for two will make you hungry soon 😂 Each packet is two parts of noodles, two parts of seaweed, two parts of powder and two parts of oil packets Very easy to cook The noodles are chewy and chewy, don't worry about overcooking The soup base is still very good, you can taste the difference from the pork bone I don't know if the oil bun is a butter bun. Maybe this is the reason why I can eat beef bone soup. The matching two parts of seaweed eliminates the problem of having to match the seaweed each time There is no ready-made beef at home, with bean knots and seaweed knots and green vegetables The illusion of eating beef bone seafood soup When it's cold and you don't have time to cook, have a bowl super satisfied
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# 2022双节快乐 # MARUTAI 佐贺盐烧紫菜牛骨拉面 2人份 185g 一包二人份 量的话感觉有点少 两个人吃 可能会饿的很快😂 每包是两份面 两份海苔 两份粉料和两份油包 煮起来特别方便 面条劲道有嚼劲 不用担心煮烂 汤底还是很不错的 吃得出跟豚骨一丢丢的差别 油包不知道是不是牛油包 也许这就是吃得出牛骨汤的原因 搭配的两份海苔免去了每次都要自配海苔的问题 家里没有现成的牛肉 搭配了豆结和海带结 还有青菜 吃出了牛骨海鲜汤的错觉 天冷没空做饭的时候来上一碗 超满足的