# 2022双节快乐 # This fine rice flour is delicious. I don't like fine rice noodles all the time, the taste is easy to be soft and rotten. But this rice noodle changed my opinion. Contains: one pack of rice noodles, one pack of bamboo shoots, one pack of kelp, one pack of sauce, one pack of pickles. Method: Blanch the rice noodles first, then change the water, and add all the seasonings except pickles. Add rice noodles, cook for a while and you are ready to eat. Taste: amazing. The soup base has a bit of a spicy hot pot feel, but not very spicy. Seaweed and bamboo shoots taste good. The most amazing thing is the rice noodles, which are very smooth, not soft, and have a good taste. Quantity is alright.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 这个细米粉很好吃。一直以来不太喜欢细的米粉,口感容易软烂。但是这款米粉改变我的看法。 内含:米粉一包,笋一包,海带一包,酱料一包,咸菜一包。 做法:先烫米粉,然后换水,加入除了咸菜的所有调料。加入米粉,煮一会就可以开吃了。 味道:很惊艳。汤底有点麻辣火锅的感觉,但不是很辣。海带,笋味道都不错。最惊艳的是米粉,很滑,不绵软,口感很好。量也还行,