# 2022双节快乐 # //Japan's Bourbon Fresh Cream Crispy Biscuit Bar 115.2g// The quality of Bolumeng's snacks has always been good, not too sweet but delicious 👌 This is the first time I tried this biscuit bar. The inside is fragrant and crunchy. It is rolled and rolled in many layers. The taste is surprisingly rich! The cream coating on the outside is not greasy at all, and it is very good to eat with coffee, milk or tea 👌
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# 2022双节快乐 # //日本Bourbon波路梦 鲜奶油香脆饼干条115.2g// 波路梦的零食品质一直不错,不算很甜但是味道很好👌 这款饼干条第一次试,里面香香脆脆的,卷来卷去很多层,口感出奇的丰富诶!外面的奶油涂层吃起来也完全不腻,用作伴着咖啡牛奶或者茶一起吃都很不错👌