# 2022双节快乐 # I bought two packs of Kumamoto black sesame oil tonkotsu ramen, and six pieces of Dongzhiwei cooked salted duck eggs, all of which are of good quality. To prepare a bowl of noodles for supper, open the Kumamoto black sesame oil tonkotsu ramen, and there are two bundles of thin straight noodles, two bags of seasoning oil and two seasoning packets. Ingredients: broccoli, shredded seaweed, Japanese-style barbecued pork, Japanese fish slats, shredded kelp, pickled ginger slices, Dongzhiwei red heart cooked salted duck eggs. Start making: 1. Use the container to hold the ramen, fill it with water and pour it into the pot to boil, add the thin straight noodles, and cook for two minutes on high heat; 2. Put the disposable kelp shreds, put the Japanese-style barbecued pork, Japanese-style fish strips, salted duck eggs, pickled ginger slices, and broccoli slightly after the pot is boiled; 3. Sprinkle the seasoning oil and seasoning packet, stir evenly and turn off the heat, pour it into a large bowl, and arrange it in a small order, which saves time and is convenient for cooking. Kumamoto Tonkotsu Ramen with Black Sesame Oil is rich in soup and smooth in texture. It is a delicious bowl of delicious ramen noodles.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 买了两包熊本黑麻油豚骨拉面,和东之味红心熟咸鸭蛋六枚,质量都挺好。 夜宵准备做碗面吃,打开熊本黑麻油豚骨拉面,里面有两束细直面、调味油和调料包各两袋。 食材:西兰花、免洗海带丝、日式叉烧肉、日式鱼板条、免洗海带丝、腌制生姜片、东之味红心熟咸鸭蛋。 开始制作: 1、用要装拉面的容器,撑满清水倒入锅中煮开,下入细直面,大火煮两分钟; 2、放免洗海带丝,锅开后搁日式叉烧肉、日式鱼板条、咸鸭蛋、腌制生姜片、西兰花略烫一下; 3、撒入调味油和调料包,搅拌均匀关火,倒入大碗中,稍微码摆好,烹饪省时便捷。 熊本黑麻油豚骨拉面,汤汁浓郁、面质顺滑,东之味红心熟咸鸭蛋香嫩流油、营养丰富,好吃的一碗鲜美拉面。