# 2022双节快乐 # This mask is really a must for school children. It's a small bag, which doesn't take up space in the school bag, but it has a complete set of things, including a small bottle of hand sanitizer, a bag of disinfecting tissue, a bag of masks, and a mask adjustment rod. Everything comes in a resealable package, which is hygienic and convenient to take out. Here I want to focus on the adjustment of the attached mask. Very useful. After all, it takes a long time to wear a mask to go to school, and it is not very comfortable to strangle your ears for a long time. Sometimes giving a child a regulator can improve a lot. There is a small problem that it is more difficult for children to operate on their own. It's even more perfect if it can be designed to be carried without the help of people.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 这款口罩真的是上学孩子的必备。 小小的一包,放在书包里不占地方,但是东西很齐全,有一小瓶洗手液,一袋消毒纸巾,一包口罩,还有一个口罩调节棒。所有的东西都是可密封的包装,带出门卫生又方便。 这里要重点说一下,附带的口罩调节。挺好用的。毕竟上学口罩要带很久,长时间勒耳朵,不是很舒服。有时候会给孩子用调节器,就能改善很多。有一个小问题就是,孩子自己操作比较困难。能够设计成不需要人帮忙就能带上的就更完美啦。