# 2022双节快乐 # Saw this alcohol-free beer for the first time I was expecting something like Kvass But I was shocked when I drank it, it really looks like beer hahaha The packaging says sparkling malt & hops beverage It is a malt drink, so the taste can really restore the beer to a high degree! Teammates usually drink a lot of beer I took a bite of this and said, "Well, it's not bad, but I still owe it a little." But after all, this zero-calorie alcohol-free! Recently, we are still in a state of allergies, and he can only rely on this to relieve his cravings 😂 I think this is worth trying Great for non-drinking friends at a party Add ice cubes to taste better 👍
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# 2022双节快乐 # 一开始看到这款无酒精啤酒 我的预期大概是格瓦斯那种味道 但一喝还是震惊到了 和啤酒真的好像啊哈哈哈 包装上写的是sparkling malt & hops beverage 是麦芽饮料 所以口味确实可以高度还原啤酒! 队友平时啤酒喝得还是挺多 尝了一口这个表示 “嗯还不错 不过还是欠了点” 但是毕竟这个零卡无酒精! 最近我俩依然处于过敏状态下 他也只能靠这个解解馋了😂 我觉得这个还是很值得尝试的 聚会的时候给不喝酒的朋友简直太棒啦 加冰块口感会更棒👍