# 2022双节快乐 # After being planted by friends from all walks of life, Chen Yunbaoquan's hundreds of millions of dim sum One after another, I started part of this series on Yami. Overall, their dim sum is really delicious. Whether it's salty and sweet, or milky and sweet, it's all good❣️ My personal favorite sort is Favorite Egg Yolk Crisp Taiwan Chen Yun Baoquan Hundreds of Thousands of Yolks Egg Yolk Crisp 3pcs 159g Including the black bean egg yolk crisp in Peerless Shuangjiao Hundreds of millions of li - peerless double pride Salty and sweet combination with egg yolk is my love Crispy skin, dense bean paste, salty egg yolk, can't stop Followed by Taiwan Chen Yun Baoquan Hundreds of Thousands of Two Flower Picking Cakes 3pcs 159g I have previously recommended Yami's recommendation - flower cake Although there are egg yolks (very few), the taste is not the same as egg yolk crisps Especially that little bit of that magical southern almond flavor Magical and surprising, the fragrance lasts for a long time after eating And then there is Chen Yun Baoquan Hundred Million Taro Crisp 3pcs 159g First of all, the appearance is really good-looking. The famous Chen Yun Baoquan's Taro Crisp Light purple, round and round, cute and lovely This one has no egg yolk but has a lot of mashed taro filling The dense milky fragrance is not too sweet Then there is the famous Taiwan Chen Yun Baoquan Hundreds of Thousands of Liang Yudanbo 3 capsules 159g Many other friends may this is their favorite Putting it last is not that he is not tasty, but that I prefer egg yolks 😂 This should be said that the friends who have never eaten must try it The milk is overflowing, the filling is really soft and soft, sweet and delicious As expected of the dessert that won the grand prize Yami's recommendation - Yudanbo The summary is Although these little snacks are really expensive 😮‍💨 But they are really delicious Hurry up when it comes to discounts
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# 2022双节快乐 # 被各路小伙伴种草了陈允宝泉億万両的点心之后 陆陆续续的在亚米上入手了部分的这个系列 总体来说 他家的点心是真的好吃的 无论是咸甜搭配的 还是奶香香甜的 都很不错❣️ 我个人喜欢的排序是 最爱蛋黄酥 台湾陈允宝泉 亿万两 蛋黄酥 3粒入 159g 包括绝代双骄里的乌豆蛋黄酥 億万両—绝代双骄 咸甜组合外加蛋黄 就是我的爱 皮酥 豆沙绵密 蛋黄咸香 欲罢不能的 其次是 台湾陈允宝泉 亿万两 花采饼 3粒入 159g 之前单独晒过亚米推荐—花采饼 虽然也有蛋黄(非常少) 又跟蛋黄酥味道不太一样 尤其是那一丢丢神奇的南杏仁味 神奇又惊喜 吃完香味久久不散 再就是 陈允宝泉 亿万两 芋头酥 3粒入 159g 首先颜值是真的好看啊 大名鼎鼎陈允宝泉的芋头酥 淡淡的紫色 一圈圈的 圆圆滚滚可可爱爱 这款没有蛋黄 但有很多的芋头泥馅料 绵绵密密的 奶香又不会过甜 再就是大名鼎鼎的 台湾陈允宝泉 亿万两 御丹波 3粒入 159g 很多其他小伙伴可能这款是最爱 把它排最后并不是说他不好吃 而是我更喜欢蛋黄😂 这款应该说没吃过的小伙伴一定要尝试的一款 奶香四溢 内馅真的又绵又软 甜香可口 不愧是获得大赏的点心 亚米推荐—御丹波 总结就是 虽然这些小点心是真的贵😮‍💨 但他们真的每一款都好吃呀 赶上打折的时候 赶紧入手啊