# 2022双节快乐 # Our family has always used Ora2 toothpaste However, it was suddenly out of stock in the previous stage for a while I don't know if I don't change, I change the gap One is a matter of taste and comfort A lot of toothpaste is easy to get astringent in the mouth after brushing But Ora2's will not at all I love the white peach and white tea flavors. I feel like I'm eating candy when I brush my teeth. The other is the sensitive oral mucosa of teammates Colgate's toothpaste will make the mucous membrane swollen and prone to ulcers after using it But the Ora series is fine to use I finally waited for the replenishment and stocked up ten white peach flavored ones in one go. Later, after the stock of white tea came back Every time I make an order, I use white tea-flavored toothpaste to collect it haha Now I have used the few leftovers in the picture. Buy a little more, I will use it anyway, I am afraid that it will be out of stock one day 😂 The funniest thing is that I recommended this to my parents They gave a tacit look "We've been using this toothpaste too, my mom loves it" Hahaha, it is indeed the only official tooth brushing partner designated by our family. Also recommend to all children Now there are three packs of white peach flavor, which are more cost-effective
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# 2022双节快乐 # 我们家一直都用Ora2的牙膏 然而前阶段突然断货了一段时间 不换不知道 一换出差距 一个是味道和舒适度上的问题 很多牙膏刷完之后嘴巴里容易涩涩的 但Ora2的完全不会 最爱白桃和白茶味的 刷起牙来都像在吃糖 另一个是队友敏感的口腔黏膜 高露洁的牙膏他用完黏膜会肿 还容易长溃疡 但是Ora这个系列的用下来就没问题 终于等到补货 一口气囤了十支白桃味的 后来白茶的库存又有了之后 每次凑单就用白茶味的牙膏来凑哈哈 现在已经又用剩图片里这几支啦 多买一点 反正要用 就怕哪天又断货😂 最搞笑的是我给我爸妈推荐这款 他们给了个默契的眼神 “我们也一直在用这款牙膏诶 老妈超喜欢” 哈哈哈 果然是我们家官方指定唯一刷牙伙伴 也推荐给各位宝宝~ 现在有白桃味三支装的 更划算一点