# 2022双节快乐 # The first time I bought Liziqi Potato you play hot and sour powder, I was attracted by the beating hot and sour powder on the festive red packaging bag. The total weight of each package is 252 grams. After opening, there are seven separate packages: Sweet Potato Wet Flour Seasoning Sauce Packet Seasoning Vinegar Pack Bone Broth Crispy Pea Buns Red oil bean sprouts Freeze-dried cabbage buns Both soaking and cooking are available. According to the instructions on the card, referring to the picture of the promotional picture, add the cleaned Qingjiang vegetables, enoki mushrooms, dried tofu, and small chives, and choose the cooking method: 1. Boil the water in the pot, add the sweet potato wet powder, and after the water boils, cook until the sweet potato wet powder is translucent and soft, then remove the water to control the water; 2. Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, boil the pot, add Qingjiang vegetables, enoki mushrooms, and dried tofu. After about two minutes of boiling, add seasoning sauce packets, seasoning vinegar packets, bone soup packets, crispy pea packets, red oil bean sprouts packets, frozen Dried green stalk cabbage, stir lightly; 3. Turn off the heat and pour the whole pot into the food container, then put the boiled sweet potato wet powder on top, sprinkle with chopped chives, and start to enjoy. The hot and sour powder has a strong taste, smooth and smooth, and the soup is sour, spicy and fragrant.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 第一次买李子柒薯你弹酸辣粉,是被喜庆红色的包装袋上,跳动的酸辣粉吸引了,每包总重量 252 克,打开后有七个单独包装: 红薯湿粉 调味酱包 调味醋包 骨汤包 酥脆豌豆包 红油豆芽包 冻干青梗菜包 泡制和煮熟两种方法都可以,按照卡片上的说明,参考宣传图的画面,加入清洗后的青江菜、金针菇、豆腐干丝、小香葱,选用了煮的烹饪方法: 1、将锅中清水煮开,下入红薯湿粉,待水开锅后,煮至红薯湿粉透亮变软,即可捞出控水; 2、锅中倒适量水,开锅下入青江菜、金针菇、豆腐干丝,沸腾后两分钟左右,放入调味酱包、调味醋包、骨汤包、酥脆豌豆包、红油豆芽包、冻干青梗菜包,轻微搅拌均匀; 3、关火把整锅倒进食器中,再把煮好的红薯湿粉放在最上面,撒入切好的小香葱,码放美观开始享用。 酸辣粉口感劲道、Q弹爽滑,汤汁酸辣鲜香,浓郁味足,操作方便快捷、可煮可泡。