# 2022双节快乐 # This Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen from Marutai is super delicious! The essence of this tonkotsu ramen lies in the soup ~ a packet of noodles, soup base powder and oil packets for two people, boil the noodles for 3 to 5 minutes and then add the seasoning packets, and you will smell the fragrant soup in an instant! The noodles are chewy and the soup is delicious and rich! The soup comes with a small amount of sesame seeds and chopped green onion. My family and I all brought noodles with soup, and we ate it clean! I caught the discount when I bought it, a pack for two people, Yami sells for $3.99, I especially recommend this tonkotsu ramen~
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# 2022双节快乐 # Marutai的这款博多豚骨拉面超级好吃! 这款豚骨拉面的精华在于汤汁~一包两人份的面条和汤底粉包和油包,开水煮面3、5分钟再加调料包,瞬间就闻到香浓汤料味道!面条入口劲道,汤汁鲜美浓郁!汤汁中自带了少量芝麻和葱花,我和家属都是连面带汤,吃得干干净净! 我买的时候赶上折扣,一包两人份,亚米售价$3.99,特别推荐这款豚骨拉面~