#2022双节快乐 #Gospel for pasta lovers! Hakata pork bone ramen, there are two people in one package, noodles, powder dumplings, oil dumplings, boil the noodles for about 5 minutes, add the oil dumplings and finally add the powder dumplings slowly. I like the full package with strong flavor, I prefer light Order, so there will be a little noodle bag left, add some green vegetables and shrimp, so satisfying! The noodles are very chewy, the soup is delicious and rich, and the soup is clear every time. Highly recommended!
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# 2022双节快乐 #面食爱好者的福音!博多豚骨拉面,一包里有两人份,面条、粉包、油包,开水煮面5分钟左右,加入油包最后慢慢加粉包,喜欢味道重的全包下,我更喜欢清淡点,所以都会剩一点粉包,加点青菜虾,太满足了! 面条很有嚼劲,汤汁鲜美浓郁,每次都是连面带着汤清光光,强烈推荐!