# 2022双节快乐 # I bought the new Bazhen smoked chicken with double packaging from Yuxiang. The total weight is 595 G. It has no flavor, no preservatives and any additives. After receiving it, it is clean, tidy, tidy and hygienic. Let's talk about the experience of eating smoked chicken. First remove the packaging bag, the smoked chicken is golden in color, tear it into smaller pieces, and taste a piece of chicken breast, which is fragrant but not greasy and rich in taste. After heating it in the microwave for 3 minutes, the smoked taste is more fragrant.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 买了御香双层包装的新品八珍熏鸡,总重量为595 G ,无味素,不含防腐剂及任何添加剂,收到后干净完好、整洁卫生,下面说说吃熏鸡的食用感受。 首先去掉包装袋,熏鸡色泽金黄,撕成小些的块,尝了一片鸡胸肉,香而不腻、味道浓郁,用微波炉加热了3分钟,熏制得口感更香。