# 2022双节快乐 # When frying frozen seafood, I usually use Lee Kum Kee brand oyster sauce. This time I plan to use the newly bought Jiuzhuang Premium Oyster Sauce, 510 grams per bottle, 18 ounces, with zero added preservatives, to try out the cooking effect. Lee Kum Kee Old Village Premium Oyster Sauce is mainly made of oyster juice, sugar, water and wheat flour. After opening the bottle cap, pour it into a small dish, it will be brown, bright and evenly thick. It tastes fine and smooth, moderately salty and sweet. , delicious and fragrant. Eight kinds of ingredients are prepared: prawns, arctic shellfish, squid tube, pork shreds, tomatoes, cucumbers, fried dough sticks, fried gluten and crayfish flavor with scallions, ginger and garlic, cooking wine, Lee Kum Kee old Zhuang Premium Oyster Sauce. Use this oyster sauce without adding salt, sugar or cornstarch. After frying, the color, fragrance and taste are complete, salty and sweet, and the taste is smooth, mellow and unique. Shu Dao Xiang Sucking Shrimp Roasted Gluten Crayfish Taste, light and buttery in color, elastic in strength, slightly hard and thick in taste. After being cut into pieces and fried, the taste is tender and smooth, and the taste is salty and fresh. It is also very suitable for cooking.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 炒冰冻的海鲜时,通常会选用李锦记品牌的蚝油,这次打算用新买的旧庄特级蚝油,每瓶510克,18盎司,零添加防腐剂,试用下烹饪效果。 李锦记旧庄特级蚝油,主要由蚝汁 、糖、水 、小麦粉制成,打开瓶盖后,倒入小碟中呈棕褐色、光泽鲜亮、浓稠均匀,尝了下细腻幼滑、咸甜适中、美味鲜香。 准备了八样食材:大虾仁、北极贝、鱿鱼筒、猪肉丝、西红柿、黄瓜、油条、蜀道香吮虾烤面筋小龙虾味,用葱、姜、蒜炝锅,放了料酒、李锦记旧庄特级蚝油。 使用此款蚝油,可不用添加盐、糖、生粉,炒好后色、香、味俱全,咸甜鲜厚、 味道细滑、醇浓独特,鲜蚝的原本鲜香,回味甘甜。 蜀道香吮虾烤面筋小龙虾味,色泽淡黄油亮,劲道有弹性,吃起来微硬厚实,切成块炒熟后,入味嫩滑、口感咸鲜,炒菜用也很适合。