Tell me about the experience of using CreerBeaute Versailles Rose Oscar Deep Pearl Whitening and Moisturizing Mask. 1. Mask packaging: non-independent packaging‼ ️🈶️7️⃣ pieces of mask in one bag. 2. Essence: The essence is transparent and smooth, 140ml per bag. 3. Cut the mask sticker: it cannot be applied to the nose 👃🏻, and the skin near the mandible on the side of the face cannot be covered. The fit is very good👍🏻, but the film cloth is thick and hard. 4. Mask taste: full score 💯 I will give it 85/100. It smells a bit like vitamin C, very refreshing! 5. Application time: 10-15 minutes. 6. Precautions⚠️: After opening, it should be sealed well, but the sealing strip is not very easy to use. The mask is recommended to lay flat to absorb more serum. ☑️The following is the punch & experience: 2/17/2022_The 1st sheet: 15:31. The mask I used before this mask was the pink cherry blossom limited edition of Japan COCOCHI AG Anti-Sugar Repair Mask, and the effect was not ideal. Today 🈚️makeup, applied after bathing, 🈶️very, very slight itching during the process of applying. So comfortable after applying it! There is absolutely no oily feeling after applying the cherry blossoms, this one is very refreshing and comfortable after applying! I personally think that it is used for sensitive skin 🉑️ (I have sensitive skin). It absorbs very well after application, and I didn't wash it off or use other skin care products. After the mask is applied, the remaining essence can be applied to the limbs. It feels hydrating! Whitening is an IQ tax, so just ignore it. 2/18/2022_2️⃣ tablet: Finished at 15:46. Today 🈚️ make up, apply it after washing my face, 🈚️ discomfort during the application process, it is very comfortable to not wash off after application, and there is no need to use other skin care products. Really refreshing and not greasy! When I look at my skin in the mirror, I feel more transparent. 2/20/2022_3️⃣ tablet: Finished at 13:59. I put it on after taking a bath, and I felt uncomfortable during the process. I won't repeat it later. It's really very useful! ! ! It didn't dry out all day, and after applying it, I put on light makeup and it felt very clear. 2/21/2022_4️⃣ tablet: Finished at 15:12. After washing my face and applying it, I felt uncomfortable during the process. Love this mask so much! So refreshing! So comfortable! 2/26/2022_5️⃣ tablet: Finished at 23:18. It was too cold in the freezing rain a few days ago, so I didn't want to apply a mask hahahahaha~ I applied it after taking a shower today, and I felt uncomfortable during the process. On the same day_6️⃣tablet: Finished at 23:33. My roommate applied a piece today~ The roommate felt normal after applying it, and the evaluation was not as high as mine... 2/27/2022_7️⃣ Tablet: Finish at 15:55. 🈚️Make-up, apply on face after washing, 🈶️ feel itchy during the process. The mask that is not packaged separately is really afraid of its pollution, and I am worried... So this time I washed my face after applying it 🥲 After washing my face, I don't feel itchy. The skin still feels good though. If you have the opportunity, be sure to evaluate the individually packaged ones! 🕗Summary: After all 7 masks are used up, the 🈚️ essence remains in the packaging bag. 🉑️ Repurchase! This mask is really comfortable after applying it!
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讲一下日本克丽贝蒂 CreerBeaute凡尔赛玫瑰奥斯卡深层珍珠美白保湿面膜的使用感受。 1. 面膜包装:非独立包装‼️一袋里🈶️7️⃣片面膜。 2. 精华液:精华液是透明的有滑腻感,每袋140ml。 3. 面膜贴裁剪:敷不到鼻翼👃🏻,面部侧面下颌骨附近的肌肤也覆盖不到。服帖度很好👍🏻,但膜布较厚,且较硬。 4. 面膜味道:满分💯我给85/100吧。有点像维C的味道,蛮清新的! 5. 应敷时长:10-15分钟。 6. 注意事项⚠️:开封后要密封好,但是密封条不太好用。建议面膜平放吸收更多精华液。 ☑️以下为打卡&使用感受: 2/17/2022_第1️⃣片:15:31敷完。在这款面膜之前我使用的面膜是日本COCOCHI AG抗糖修复面膜的粉色樱花限定🌸 ,效果并不理想。今天🈚️化妆,洗完澡敷的,敷的过程中🈶️非常非常轻微的刺痒感。敷完后好舒服!完全没有那个樱花限定敷完之后油感,这个敷完后非常清爽舒服!个人认为敏感肌🉑️用(我是敏感肌)。敷完后吸收地很好,没有洗掉也没再用其他护肤品。这款面膜敷完后剩余精华可以涂抹四肢。感觉是有补水的!美白就是个智商税所以就忽略好啦。 2/18/2022_第2️⃣片:15:46敷完。今天🈚️化妆,洗完脸敷的,敷的过程中🈚️不适,敷完依旧不用洗掉非常舒服,且不需要用其他护肤品了。真的清爽不油腻!镜子里看自己的皮肤觉得比较通透。 2/20/2022_第3️⃣片:13:59敷完。洗完澡敷的,过程中🈚️不适,后面的就不重复了,真的非常好用啊!!!一整天都不干,敷完后化了淡妆,感觉很剔透。 2/21/2022_第4️⃣片:15:12敷完。洗完脸敷的,过程中🈚️不适。太喜欢这个面膜了!好清爽!好舒服! 2/26/2022_第5️⃣片:23:18敷完。前几天下冻雨太冷了,不想敷面膜哈哈哈哈哈~今天洗完澡敷的,过程中🈚️不适。 同一天_第6️⃣片:23:33敷完。今天室友敷了一片~室友敷完感觉一般般,评价没有我高…… 2/27/2022_第7️⃣片:15:55敷完。🈚️化妆,洗完脸敷的,过程中🈶️发痒感。非单独包装的面膜真的很怕它污染,提心吊胆的……所以这次敷完洗脸了🥲洗完脸觉得不痒了。不过皮肤还是感觉很好。有机会一定要测评单独包装的! 🕗总结:7片面膜全部用完后包装袋内🈚️精华液剩余。🉑️回购!这个面膜敷完真的好舒服!