# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # It's another day for Yami, I'm really happy, every time I receive a heavy box 📦 It's full of love and delicious food 😻 I feel extremely happy, maybe happiness is really simple, it can be After eating the food I like, I can sleep well every night, and I can find all the things I love. I still remember that Master Kong's jasmine tea and jasmine honey tea are the taste of my first love. The breeze is coming, and I can feel all the beauty. Although the epidemic 😷 has not completely passed, as long as there is sunshine in our hearts, spring can always be planted in our hearts 🌸
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 又是亚米的一天,真的好开心哦,每次收到重重的箱子📦里面装的都是满满的爱和好吃的😻我就觉得无比幸福,也许幸福真的很简单,就是能吃到喜欢吃的食物,能踏实睡好每一觉,能找到所有爱的东西,我还记得康师傅茉莉清茶和茉莉蜜茶是初恋的味道,微风轻拂春天来了,感受着所有的美好,虽然疫情😷还没有完全过去,但是只要心里有阳光,春天时刻都能种在我们心里🌸