# 亚米与你相识已9 #Yami is really my best partner, it solves my worries, I can easily place orders and discover new products without leaving home! Seeing this #与美 #'s new Night Market Fried Noodles - Sizzling Squid Flavor, wow, so tempting! I want to eat so much! 与美 products are always good👍 The box is so festive, and when you open it, it's full of ingredients! Including: Noodles, Sauce Packets, Bean Sprouts, Carrots, Sizzling Squid 🦑 White sesame seeds! practice: 1. Cook the noodles in boiling water for two minutes. Drain and spare 2. Put fresh bean sprouts and carrots in water first 3. Take another frying pan, pour a little oil, fry bean sprouts, carrots, add bell peppers and mushrooms, add squid, stir well, add noodles, and add sauce packets. Stir well. This time, I used the electric hot pot of Yanshan City to fry it. It is very easy to use and does not stick to the bottom! It's perfectly fine to fry for two! The aroma is tangy, I feel like I am the chef of the nightclub haha 👏 This # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # noodles are added with sauce, which is very similar to hot pot sauce! It's quite spicy, it's all added! Add more vegetables to enrich the color and look good! Very enjoyable, the noodles are thin noodles, very strong and not easy to break, but the squid 🦑 is relatively hard and the amount is relatively small! You should be able to add some small seafood to make it even better! I feel that the taste has been restored by 70%, and it is no problem to relieve cravings! Supper can be arranged 👏yo, quick and convenient 🍜
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# 亚米与你相识已9 #亚米真是我最好的伴侣,解决了我的后顾之忧,足不出户,轻松下单发掘新产品! 看到这款 # 与美 #的新品夜市炒面-铁板鱿鱼味,哇好诱惑!太想吃啦可!与美家产品的一直都很不错👍 包装盒好喜庆,打开后也是满满都是料! 包括:面饼,酱料包,豆芽 ,胡萝卜,铁板鱿鱼🦑 白芝麻! 做法: 1、沸水中将面煮个两分钟。滤干备用 2. 把鲜豆芽和胡萝卜先过一下水 3. 另起油锅,倒少许油,炒豆芽,胡萝卜,还加了彩椒和蘑菇,再加鱿鱼,炒匀后加入面条,再加入酱料包。炒匀即可。 这次用了火焰山城的电热锅来炒的,很好用,不粘底!炒两人份完全可以胜任!香气扑鼻,感觉我就是夜店的小厨哈哈👏 这款里# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 #面加了配好的酱料,和火锅酱料很像!还挺辣的,全都加了!多加了蔬菜丰富很多颜色也好看!非常过瘾,面条是细面,很劲道还不易断,但鱿鱼🦑比较硬,量比较少!自己应该可再加入点小海鲜会更好吃!感觉味道还原了70%,解馋没问题!宵夜可以安排上👏哟,快手方便🍜