# 亚米与你相识已9 #I have only known Yami for more than a year, but the snacks and dry goods at home are all purchased online by Yami. Looking forward to every episode! I bought this sheep training spoon from Yami, a good snack, full of childhood memories, cheap and delicious! I wish Yami a happy ninth birthday, a prosperous business and a lot of money! 🎉🎉🎉
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# 亚米与你相识已9 #与亚米相识只有一年多,但是家里的零食和干货都是亚米网购的,最喜欢它们每两周的秒杀商品,虽然只抢到过一件商品,但是又刺激又好玩,每期都很期待哦!在亚米买到这款练羊勺,不错的小零食,满满的儿时的回忆,便宜又好吃!祝亚米九周生日快乐,生意兴隆,财源广进!🎉🎉🎉