The first time I met Yami was about four years ago. Yami always had all kinds of snacks that couldn't be bought in Yachao, tempting me to place an order from time to time to satisfy my cravings. But Yami really became a part of my life two years ago. After the start of YQ, out of safety concerns, I seldom went to Yamichao for shopping. Since then, I have placed orders on Yamibuy with an average frequency of two orders per month. Snacks, beverages, instant food, seasonings, etc. are almost all replenished by Yamibuy. Figure 1 is part of the story of Yami and I over the past two years. This time, taking advantage of Yami's 9th anniversary event, I will review some of my most frequently repurchased items by category, and recommend them to everyone! 🏆Fast food: (You should be tired of snail noodles, let me recommend something else) ❤Le Huisi Nanchang Mixed Noodles: Salty and slightly spicy, good quality and low price ❤Qijie Hot Dry Noodles: The sesame sauce is super thick and the noodles are firm ❤Yumei Hot Pot Wide Noodles: Q bombs are smooth, spicy and fragrant 🏆Drinks: (The following drinks are not very sweet) ❤Tianrun Milk Beer: Micro-foaming non-alcoholic beverage with rich milk aroma ❤Yuanqi Forest Lactobacillus/Lychee/Summer Black Grape Sparkling Water: Naturally fruity, full of bubbles, and 0 calories! ❤AGF Blendy Peach Flavored Fruit Tea: Real peach fruit tea flavor, easy to dissolve without clumping, delicious both hot and cold ❤Guangquan Heavy Milk Milk Tea: Taiwanese milk tea with a lighter tea taste and a strong milk taste, no creamer, and the taste is comparable to that made in the store ❤Lanfangyuan Stockings Milk Tea: Super strong tea flavor, authentic Hong Kong-style milk tea Good Hope Water Hope Peach Blossom/Wang Xingfu: High-value micro-bubbles without added 🏆 Condiments: ❤Kewpie Roasted Sesame Salad Dressing: No matter how unbearable a vegetable salad is, it's delicious! ❤Yuan Xian Spicy Red Oil/Liu Po Oil Spicy: Red oil is a must for eating dumplings and cold dishes, it is very fragrant and not spicy on the tongue ❤ Dezhuang Tomato Hot Pot Base: Tomato flavor is strong, sweet and sour appetizer In addition to year-round repurchases, Yami also keeps adding all kinds of new goodies, which is really addicting. Here are my recent treasure discoveries: ❤️AS FOODS Muscat Baumkuchen: Fresh grape flavor with Baumkuchen, delicious and creative ❤️AS FOODS White Peach Baumkuchen: The white peach flavor is strong, sweet and not greasy ❤️Elderflower Presse natural rose water: high-value rose-scented sparkling water, sweet, sour and refreshing ❤Naruto Kinshi Sweet Potato Tart: Delicate sweet potato puree with creamy tart crust, every bite is happy Finally, I wish Yami a happy ninth birthday! In the days to come, the familiar Yami will bring us more surprises! # 亚米与你相识已9 #
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yami_featured_image 初识亚米大概是在四年前,亚米总是有着各种各样亚超里买不到的小零食,诱惑着我时不时下一单解馋。 但亚米真正成为我生活的一部分是在两年前。YQ开始后出于安全考虑很少去亚超购物,自此以平均每个月两单的频率在亚米疯狂下单,零食,饮料,速食,调料等几乎都靠亚米补货。图一就是这两年多以来我和亚米的一部分故事。 这次趁着亚米九周年活动就来按类别回顾一下我最常回购的一些好物,推荐给大家! 🏆速食类:(螺蛳粉大家应该已经吃腻了,我来推荐点别的) ❤乐惠丝南昌拌粉:咸香微辣,物美价廉 ❤七姐热干面:芝麻酱超浓厚,面条劲道 ❤与美火锅宽粉:Q弹爽滑,麻辣鲜香 🏆饮料类:(以下饮料甜度都不是很高) ❤天润奶啤:奶香浓郁的微起泡无酒精饮料 ❤元气森林乳酸菌/荔枝/夏黑葡萄气泡水:果香自然,气泡足,还是0卡路里! ❤AGF Blendy 水蜜桃味水果茶:真实的蜜桃果茶味,易溶解不结块,冷热皆美味 ❤光泉重乳奶茶:茶味较淡,奶味浓厚的台湾奶茶,无奶精,味道媲美店内现做 ❤兰芳园丝袜奶茶:茶味超浓,正的港式奶茶 好望水望桃花/望杏福:高颜值微气泡无添加 🏆调料类: ❤丘比焙煎芝麻沙拉酱:再难以下咽的蔬菜沙拉,有它就美味! ❤袁鲜麻辣红油/六婆油泼辣子:吃饺子拌凉菜必备红油,特别香,不辣舌头 ❤德庄番茄火锅底料:番茄味特浓,酸甜开胃 除了常年回购款,亚米还源源不断的上新着各种好物,真是让人欲罢不能。以下是我近期的宝藏发现: ❤️AS FOODS 麝香葡萄年轮蛋糕:清新葡萄味搭配年轮蛋糕,好吃又创意 ❤️AS FOODS 白桃年轮蛋糕:白桃味浓,香甜不腻 ❤️Elderflower Presse天然玫瑰水:高颜值玫瑰花香气泡水,酸甜清爽 ❤鸣门金时甜薯挞:细腻红薯泥搭配奶香挞皮,每一口都幸福 最后,祝亚米九周年生日快乐!接下来的日子里,熟悉的亚米要能给我们带来更多惊喜发现哦! # 亚米与你相识已9 #