# 亚米与你相识已9 # Japanese Spicy Seafood Cup Noodles, Ingredients 🈶️Freeze-dried shrimp 🍤 and corn kernels and small vegetables, The buns don't look spicy either! But it tastes really spicy! Therefore, the seafood taste is not obvious. It just feels so spicy. Nothing special! More general! A small cup!
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# 亚米与你相识已9 # 日本的香辣海鲜杯面, 配料🈶️冻干小虾仁🍤和玉米粒小蔬菜末, 粉包看着也不辣! 但吃起来就真是辣了呀! 所以海鲜味也不明显, 就感觉纯辣的那种, 没什么特别的味道! 比较一般!小小一杯!