# 亚米与你相识已9 # I am very fond of the brand of Le Kum Kee. All kinds of bakery and pastries are delicious. This is the first time I have tried this wife cake. Looking at the pictures on the website, I thought there were 4 pieces of wife cakes in a pack, but when I got my hands, I saw 8 pieces on two layers. It’s not bad, it’s always a big bag, and this wife cake is not small, and it’s the same size as a normal-sized moon cake. It's about the same size, but thinner than moon cakes. I think it tastes like moon cakes, just like meringue. This wife cake is very crispy on the outside. It will fall off when you touch it. The crust is slightly hard when you bite it, and the inside is soft. The taste is very good, and it is not too sweet. # 2022双节快乐 # ✅Look at the ingredient list, it is made of preferred white kidney beans, fresh eggs, preferred wheat flour and edible oil, so the taste feels relatively clean, and there are not too many additions
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# 亚米与你相识已9 # 对乐锦记这个牌子我很有好感,它家各种面包糕点都做的蛮好吃的,这个老婆饼倒是第一次尝试,有点小期待… 网站上看图片我以为一包里有4块老婆饼,到手一看两层8个,不错哦,它家东西一惯挺大包的,而且这个老婆饼个头也不小,和正常大小的月饼差不多大,但比月饼要薄,我觉得吃起来也挺像月饼的,就是酥皮那种 这个老婆饼外皮特别酥,一碰就掉渣那种,咬下去外皮稍硬,内陷绵软,口感很不错,而且不会过甜 ✅看了下成分表,它是由优选白芸豆、新鲜土鸡蛋、优选小麦粉和食用油做的,所以口感感觉比较clean,没有太多的添加 # 2022双节快乐 #