# 亚米与你相识已9 # Let me share a small snack I bought at Yami. The taste of twist in my impression is the sweet and crispy sesame twist of Tianjin Eighteenth Street. This small twist from Yumei has a different taste. It is not very sweet, slightly salty, you can see the end of seaweed, the taste is a bit like the beef and sheep that I ate when I was a child, with a strong fried aroma. Crunchy and chewy. It's a delicious little snack. There is a sealing strip at the mouth of the bag, which can be resealed after opening to prevent moisture. But in fact, the amount is not large, and it will be eaten in a while after opening the package 😂 Happy birthday to Yami 🎂🎁🎊🎈
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# 亚米与你相识已9 # 来分享一款在亚米买过的小零嘴。 我印象中麻花的味道是天津十八街又甜又酥的芝麻麻花味道。与美的这款小麻花与之口感有所不同。 它不是很甜,略带咸味,可以看到海苔末,味道有点像小时候吃的牛羊配,有浓浓的油炸香。嚼起来嘎嘣脆。是一款味道不错的解馋小零嘴。 袋口有密封条,打开后可以再密封保存,以防受潮。但其实量不大,开包没一会儿就吃完了😂 祝亚米生日快乐🎂🎁🎊🎈