# 亚米与你相识已9 # I haven't bought tofu from the supermarket since I tried the Morinaga tofu that Yami bought. The reason is of course cheap. The funny thing is that Yami released the annual memory at the beginning of the year. The one I buy most often is 👆, which shows that I really love it 😄. I have bought Morinaga's soft tofu and firm tofu. They are all fresh and tender, and the old tofu is not too old, but it is less brittle than soft tofu. Soft tofu for soup, tofu brain. You can eat old tofu for cooking, Mapo tofu, or when you are shabu-shabu. The important thing is that it can be stored at room temperature for a long time, and it is also free of preservatives. So when I want to collect an order or get a discount, I will always stock up, stock up tofu 😂 Happy birthday to Yami 🎂🎁🎊🎈
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# 亚米与你相识已9 # 自从我尝了亚米买的森永豆腐,就没再从超市里买豆腐了。原因自然是物美价廉喽。很搞笑的是年初亚米出的那个年度记忆,我最常买的就是👆,可见是真爱了😄。 森永的嫩豆腐、老豆腐我都买过。都很鲜嫩,老豆腐也不老,只是相较于嫩豆腐,更不易碎。嫩豆腐做汤,豆腐脑。老豆腐做菜,麻婆豆腐,或是涮火锅时候吃都可以。 重要的是它可以常温保存很长时间,也不含防腐剂。所以要凑单或是打折的时候,我都会囤囤囤,囤豆腐😂 祝亚米生日快乐🎂🎁🎊🎈