# 亚米生活圈 ## 亚米9周年 # # 亚米与你相识已9 # # Sakura Season # # 晒出你的美丽心机 # As someone who doesn't usually go to beauty salons, I must like 亚米生活圈. I placed an order for the small bubbles in the life circle at the beginning of the month. After I go this week, let me plant grass for the beauty project! Skin condition: sensitive skin + dry skin + more closed mouth + eye cream does not absorb after use Figure 1: Before and after comparison Before doing it, there was a little edema on the face + closed mouth + deep dark circles After doing it: My whole body is glowing, hahaha. (Please ignore the little red dots that I have since I cleared my mouth, this day will be fine) Figure 2: Preparations before applying the mud mud mask. The lady in the shop gave me a moisturizing mud mask. Overall Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 After finishing, the whole person can be described as "radiant"! The key is to use Yami's coupons to buy this, it's really cheap, please go to other items soon🤩
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# 亚米生活圈 ## 亚米9周年 # # 亚米与你相识已9 # # Sakura Season # # 晒出你的美丽心机 # 作为一个平时不去美容院的人,必须给亚米生活圈点赞。月初下的生活圈小气泡订单,这周去之后让我对美容项目种草! 皮肤状态:敏感肌+干皮+闭口比较多+用完眼霜不吸收 图一:前后对比 做之前脸有一点水肿+闭口+很深的黑眼圈 做之后:我整个人都在发光,哈哈哈。(请忽略我因为清理了闭口,有些许的小红点,这个一天就会好的) 图二:敷泥泥面膜前的准备工作。店员小姐姐给我用的是保湿类泥泥面膜。 整体评分:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 做完后整个人可以用“容光焕发”来形容!关键是用亚米的券买这个真的便宜到爆炸,求求快上其他项目🤩