I signed up for Yamibuy in 2015. I’m an old fan, but my home was close to the Supermarket, so I bought it directly from the Supermarket. After I came to New Jersey, I found that many snacks, ingredients, and noodles would be more complete if I had to go to New York’s Chinatown. , even Dahua near home is often out of stock. First of all, the food that the old Guangzhou people know - Chinese sausage, the one you can buy in the Super League is Jiajia brand, but it is not comparable to the emperor sent from China. The domestic family also shipped it to me, but during the epidemic, I was unlucky. The shipping was detained (food and cosmetics are sensitive goods), so the sausages were out of food, and they barely ate Jiajia brand and Costco's Calendula X, and the taste was not ideal. This time, I found this emperor's sausage on Yami.com (Picture 3⃣️), I placed the order immediately, I just received the goods, and I haven't tried it yet. I also saw the domestic Internet celebrity blind box Rolife Ruolai (picture 4⃣️), not addicted to it, but I like the ancient style very much, so I bought it together. There is also the bayberry flavor of the Internet celebrity drink Good Hope Water (Figure 6⃣️). The bayberry taste is so sour, not very tasty, and will not repurchase. Unexpectedly, Shou Tao brand not only has whole wheat noodles, but also Huaishan noodles (Picture 7⃣️). Whole Wheat Noodles 50.6g 17%, Huaishan Noodles 74g 25%. There are also dried strawberries, fengyoujing, Wujiang mustard, corn silk mulberry leaf tea (Figure 9⃣️ diuretic and swelling, hypoglycemic and fat-reducing) I have not tried it yet. However, I have already placed an order again, and I bought everything that Dahua does not have here. # Happy order Happy life! #
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我是2015年注册亚米网的,老粉了,不过后来家离中超近,所以就直接在中超买了,来到新泽西之后,发现很多零食、食材、面条类要去纽约唐人街才会更齐全,就连家附近的大华也经常缺货。 首先老广州人才懂的美食-腊肠,在中超能买到的就嘉嘉牌的,但是跟从国内寄过来的皇上皇没得比,国内家人也曾海运给我,但是疫情期间,运气不好,海运被扣押了(食品和化妆品一样属于敏感货),所以腊肠断粮了,勉强吃着嘉嘉牌和Costco的金盏X的,味道不理想。 这次竟然被我在Yami亚米网发现这款皇上皇的腊肠(图3⃣️),立马下单,刚收到货,还没有尝试。 还看到国内的网红盲盒Rolife若来(图4⃣️),不算迷上,只是对古风很喜欢,所以一起买了。 还有网红饮料 好望水的杨梅味(图6⃣️),杨梅味好酸啊,不太好喝,不会回购了。 没想到寿桃牌除了有全麦面,还有淮山面(图7⃣️),面条很细,煮好了也很爽口,不过碳水没有全麦面低。全麦面 50.6克 17%,淮山面 74克 25%。 还有草莓干、风油精、乌江榨菜、玉米须桑叶茶(图9⃣️ 利尿消肿 降糖消脂)都还没有尝试。 不过我已经再次下单了,买的都是这里大华没有的。 # Happy order Happy life! #