Grass planted by my dear elf. Seeing that Yami is in stock, immediately buy a box! Because I am a person who loves to drink 🍵, so this tea moon cake is really my dish. Then the elf kept saying that it was delicious and delicious, and it was impossible to buy it. 12 small mooncakes, six flavors. I think the size is just right! Because some moon cakes are really too big to eat. Today I ate green tea and grapefruit flavors. Together with my husband. tasty! The main thing is that it is not too sweet or greasy! ! is what I like. Hope other flavors won't disappoint!
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被我亲爱的小精灵种的草。看见亚米有货立马抢购一盒!因为我是一个很爱喝🍵的人,所以这个是茶月饼真的就是一看一听名字就是我的菜啊。然后小精灵一直说好吃好吃不买都不行了。 12块小月饼,六种口味。我觉得大小很适合!因为有的月饼真的是巨无霸大都吃不完的😂。今天吃了绿茶和柚子口味。和老公一人一块。好吃!主要是不会太甜不腻!!是我喜欢的。希望其他口味也不会失望哟!