# YamiSakuraSeason # Master Kang Jasmine honey tea Light jasmine tea with a trace of honey, it is also low in calories! The taste has a faint fragrance. It doesn't stick to your mouth. The sweetness is just right! The effect of freezing is particularly good in summer. Master Kong Jasmine Honey Tea The light jasmine tea fragrance adds a hint of sweetness, and it is also low in calories! The taste has a light fragrance, it is not sticky to the mouth, and the sweetness is just right! It is especially good for cooling in summer.
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# YamiSakuraSeason # Master Kang Jasmine honey tea Light jasmine tea with a trace of honey, it is also low in calories! The taste has a faint fragrance. It doesn't stick to your mouth. The sweetness is just right! The effect of freezing is particularly good in Spring. 康师傅茉莉蜜茶 淡淡茉莉茶香加一丝丝蜜甜,它还低卡路里! 味道一股淡淡的清香,喝起来不粘嘴,甜度刚刚合适!春天也适合冰镇一下效果特别好。