# 我的囤货清单 # Kyoto Nianci Temple Honey Lianchuanbei Loquat Paste A good hand for cough and asthma! Last week, unfortunately, I was recruited to transform into a new crown "Xiaoyangren" 😷 The throat was so sore that it was difficult to swallow saliva, and I couldn't sleep because of the cough at night. Thank goodness he is at home. Take a spoonful to relieve cough and asthma, and the throat is much more comfortable. It really helped me a lot during the worst two days. After drinking one bottle, the disease is almost healed. I hope everyone is safe, healthy and free from illness and disaster during this period of the new crown ♥️
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# 我的囤货清单 # 京都念慈庵 蜜炼川贝枇杷膏 止咳平喘的一把好手!上周不幸中招变身新冠“小阳人”😷嗓子剧痛连吞口水都很难过,晚上咳的睡不着。幸亏家里有他。一勺下去止咳平喘,嗓子也舒服多了。最难受的那两天真的就是它帮了我大忙。一瓶喝完了,病也差不多快好了。希望大家都平平安安 健健康康 无病无灾的度过这个新冠肆虐的时期♥️