# 我的囤货清单 # I ate too many hot snacks during the holidays. Acne all grew out. So hurry up and get the Erjia series Astaxanthin Tranexamic Acid Repair Mask Arranged! The main function of this astaxanthin mask is to repair/repair the skin. Lighten the redness. Pigmentation and brighten the complexion and other properties. Great for red skin after acne breakouts. The ingredients contained are Haematococcus pluvialis, butanediol, propylene glycol, yeast, hydrolyzed sodium hyaluronate and other extracts. I think it's pretty good about the mask sheet. Moderate thickness. Also big enough. Covered almost half of the neck. Serum is enough. 10 minutes is recommended. It can be washed or not after washing. I have used a lot of Fuerjia's various series of masks before. I really like the Erga mask. fair price.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 假期吃了太多上火的零食.痘痘都长出来了. 所以赶紧敷尔佳系列的 虾青素传明酸修护面膜安排起来! 这款虾青素面膜的主要功效是修护/修复肌肤.淡化红血丝.色沉和提亮肤色等特性. 很适合痘痘长出来后红红的肌肤使用. 含有的成分有雨生红球藻、丁二醇、丙二醇、酵母菌、水解透明质酸钠等提取物. 关于面膜纸我觉得很不错. 薄厚度适中. 也足够大. 覆盖了快半个脖子了. 精华液也够. 建议敷10分钟足以. 洗完可洗可不洗. 我之前入了很多敷尔佳各种系列的面膜. 蛮喜欢敷尔佳面膜的. 价格适中.