# 我的囤货清单 # Japan's MUHI Chitian Model Hall, itching and swelling, incomparable drops This is a household medicine. Itching and swelling effect is very good. Of course, the Chinese product Liushen toilet water is also very good, but Liushen is too big to take. This little one is very convenient. Every time I go out to play or walk, I get bitten by mosquitoes and apply it to immediately reduce swelling and itching. It just smells a little bad. But the flaws do not hide the beauty, the effect is the most important.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 日本MUHI池天模范堂 止痒消肿 无比滴 这个属于家庭常备药了。止痒消肿效果非常好。当然我国货六神花露水也很赞,但是六神太大了不好拿。这个小小一只很方便,每次出去玩或者散步被蚊虫叮咬了抹上立马消肿止痒。就是气味有点不好闻。不过瑕不掩瑜,效果好才最重要。